
We understand co-creation as collaboration processes between stakeholders to produce something new, that is, a participatory process where new ideas can be born and the participants can leave their traditional trails and widen their perspectives. Relevant themes for co-creation workshops can be how we can use the potential of collaboration to jointly chisel out new research questions and methods, for collaborative knowledge creation or to identify how research can be applied. It can also be about co-creation processes itself; for example, how to conduct co-creation between scientific disciplines or with different stakeholders outside the academia such as politicians, multilateral organisations, civil society and citizens of different communities.



Academic Conferences
NorDev 2023 administration
Phone +46 18 67 10 03


Important dates

31 May: Deadline to register for workshop leaders and research presenters
31 July: Deadline to register for conference attendees
21-23 August 2023
: Conference is going on

Organised by