Concluding reflections

Maggi W.H. Leung
Maggi W.H. Leung is Professor in International Development Studies at the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies of the University of Amsterdam. Her research focuses on the uneven geographies of migration, mobilities and development, internationalization of education and labour regimes, knowledge and skill (im)mobilities, Chinese transnationalism, investments and engagements for/by/with newcomers in “shrinking” regions in Europe as well activism against racialised injustice. She has published on these topics in a range of geography and social science journals. She is one of the editors of Geoforum and has served as a guest editor for special issues on topics regarding migration and skills, Chinese transnationalism and welcoming spaces in Europe.
Academic Conferences
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Important dates
31 May: Deadline to register for workshop leaders and research presenters
31 July: Deadline to register for conference attendees
21-23 August 2023: Conference is going on